Monday 26 May 2008


Our company RANS ltd was founded in 1999 and since has gained a reputation for designing elite cultural training for European companies who wish to work in Mexico. Our trainers are degree qualified in Business Administration or International Marketing. They have lived and worked in Mexico for a number of years before moving to England, this accumulated experience is made available to you, through an interesting and entertaining course. Our Customers are extremely satisfied with the service we provide as seen below.

Training Feedback

Joe Bloggs 24/04/08
I believe now that the training I have been given will provide me with a better future. Bobby was always supportive and continues to be 100% supportive. The training was " Spot on

Richard Flemming 2/11/07
A wonderful course that had me itching for more. Very well delivered. Understood our needs and found a balance to give excellent instruction.

Anne Darling 28/02/08
Whilst being very professional it was also down to earth. The trainers knowledge reflected braod experience within the field, they answered even the most obscure questions with clear advice and experience

Jenny Withering 28/04/08
The course went above my expectations, in depth in all areas and I feel prepared

Sample the training
To experience the presentation fully and include animation, please, download the presentation in the following link (Username: bournemouth Password: university)